Current & Future Projects

What we're working on . . .


What does the data actually say about the quality of our education system and what needs to be done? You might be surprised.


The crisis of homelessness is reaching epidemic proportions nationally. How does Nevada compare and what are our plans to combat this crisis?

Nevada Healthcare

What is the state of Nevada's healthcare system? How does Nevada compare nationally and what do we need to improve our healthcare?

Artificial Intelligence

What are the ethical and moral implications of an emerging artificial intelligence? Why is our natural reaction one of fear and is it justified?

Pet & Animal Services

How do Nevada's major cities compare when it comes to our laws, levels of service, and our approach to caring for Nevada's animal population?


Is crime on the rise? If so, what can we do about it? Why are businesses reporting more theft and what are the implications to the consumer?

Our "Rethinkers"

Individuals & Partner Organizations . . .